Museu de Lisboa - Palácio Pimenta
Museu de Lisboa - Palácio Pimenta
Museu de Lisboa - Palácio Pimenta

Image credits:

© Wikimedia Commons, João Carvalho
Museu de Lisboa - Palácio Pimenta

Image credits:

© Wikimedia Commons, João Carvalho
Museu de Lisboa - Palácio Pimenta

There are five nuclei of the Lisbon Museum: Pimenta Palace, Roman Theater, Santo António, Torreão Poente and Casa dos Bicos. Five different spaces, with complementary values ​​and objectives, that share the purpose of revealing Lisbon in different ways, to make known the wealth of one of the oldest cities in Europe. The spaces include exhibition areas that show the evolution of the city, from the occupation of the territory during the prehistory to the beginning of the century. XX.

Campo Grande 245, 1700-091 Lisboa
+351 217 513 200

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